Conversations with the SAINT...
Srila Prabhupada Lecture Transcript
Room Conversations
- Gopāla Kṛṣṇa is very nice boy
- She likes our movement very much
- Whenever I heard that, I have been very disturbed
- Arrival Conversation
- Gurumukh padma Vakya
- Hare Kṛṣṇa Movement Catches On
- I moved everything to Bombay
- Blitz Tears the Mask of Ungodly Face of Kṛṣṇa Cult
- These books have been acclaimed by scholars all over the world
- We have a very beautiful garden for you
- You cannot touch with your feet even in Rādhā-kuṇḍa
- I’ll tell you what the facts are.
- Deity messing
- Blitz Tears the Mask of Ungodly Face of Kṛṣṇa Cult
- Russian scholars have praised Prabhupāda’s books
- These books are being used in five thousand universities, including Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Yale
- By chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, the thinking of the brain stops
- Our whole business is to relieve you of all problems
- It’s the pop music that people hear
- God is man, and man is God
- These all are Prabhupāda’s books
- Kodaikanal, a very famous place
- Yoga courses for tourists in Vṛndāvana and Bombay
- Now they are doing everything, even leading nations
- Every book with same format _ illustration
- nitāi-gaura-rādhe-śyāma” - To be avoided
- Especially book distribution is getting very strong with Indians
- We may need a small loan, Śrīla Prabhupāda
- He’s a very nice sannyāsī
- Prabhupāda produces one book a month still
- We are fighting it in the court
- Russian agency says “Happy New Year
- It’s for our Gurujī. Please don’t cheat
- People are not satisfied with simple living
- So realize this money
- Our pricing will be consistent
- I am very glad to see when you work so hard for Kṛṣṇa
- Attract these scientists - Yes, He can attract
- He is very ambitious to print all these books
- GBC Resolutions - Day 1
- GBC Resolutions - Day 2
- Butchers’ health organization
- First Day in Juhu Quarters
- Political Discussions
- How to Secure Brahmacārīs
- Surendra Kumarjī praises your efforts very much
- Eleven Krishna Devotees Held for Firing
- Mr. Gopāla Kṛṣṇa Dāsa, Secretary, Bombay center of the organization
- Government should close the Māyāpur center
- By Kṛṣṇa’s grace we have a very nice devotee cook now
- Our Life Members love these books
- In Bombay hundreds of people come just to look at the building
- We’ll print more
- Please do not be discouraged by these incidents
- Sold to everyone for one rupee
- You are still the inspiration for everything we do
- Take little care, that’s all
- ISKCON had this special status
- So these seven meet, and they divide up the money
- He wanted to print as many books as possible
- Govardhana Parikrama
- All Russian universities ordered Prabhupāda’s books
Morning Walk
- Scientific advancement
- BBT warehouse - As per your directions
- When I was alone, I was selling books
- This is also lying vacant
- Deities are greeted at seven o’clock
- Our preaching means to turn demons into devotees
- Kaṣṭan kāmān_ Advanced in civilization
- haven’t given them any men
- Gītār Gān is ready
- I made this Trust_ fifty percent, fifty percent
- That will give us a lot of publicity
- Governor of Karnataka visited one temple
- How to read Srimad Bhagavatam
- Our philosophy is old _ fresh
- Cheating begins from the government
- It will be very bad example
- ISKCON and Hindu cult
- Festival in Ramlila ground
- Challenge the whole world, that “You are all fools
- I don’t think they are bona fide translations
- Secularism means roguism
- Roti Kapara Makan
- Our Chinese Gītā is coming out
- Krishna is greatest of the cheaters and most merciful
- Brahmacārī gurukule vasan dāntaḥ
- Bombay’s Temple
- By birth he’s Indian
- We want to maintain an ideal institution
- Material attraction is industry