Sample Book
An Italian Did What British Could Not Do – There is an urgent need to frame a right strategy for the development of meat and poultry production in the country. This will certainly bring prosperity to millions of our rural citizens and create employment in rural India. Having achieved the Green Revolution, the white revolution and the Blue Revolution, it is time ti ask the question can the pink revolution be far behind? Certainly this will require large investment in infrastructure, mainly in cold storages, and modern meat processing plants. Without a strong and dependable cold chain, a vital sector like meat industry, which is based mostly on perishable products, cannot survive and grow.
Rahul shukla –
I just finished “An Italian did what the English couldn’t”. I really appreciate the way the author brought the story to life and made the characters feel real. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good story about injustice and the fight for justice. highly recommended