With the Publication and print of “Memories- Anecdotes of Modern- Day Saint”, Siddhanta Prabhu has made a contribution of monumental and historical proportions to our understanding of Srila Prabhupada, the modern Gaudiya Vaisnava movement, and human religiosity in general. All too often, the contemporary followers of a great religious leader have failed to adequately record his or her life and teachings, resulting in long centuries to frequently futile debate and conflict among historians and religionists alike.
Thus Siddhanta Prabhu’s documentation in both video and print of the testimonies of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples about their master provides an invaluable, irreplaceable, and unique treasure of information to all those who desire today, or seek in the future, an accurate, reliable, true picture of Srila Prabhupada, the Founder- Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
Siddhanta Prabhu’s patient, creative and professional work will surely by seen by future generations as one of our generation’s greatest contributions to the human family. Thus it is with the soundest of reasons that I acknowledge here my deep personal gratitude to Siddhanta Prabhu, congratulate him on his outstanding achievement, and urge all those seriously interested, for whatever reason, in Krishna, Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON, and spirituality itself, to stock the favorite shelves of their library with the singular treasure of the Memories series.
N.B. Volume I comprises – chapters 1 to 19, Volume II – chapters 20 to 39, Volume III – chapters 40 to 60, Volume IV – chapters 61 to 70 and Volume V- chapter 71 to 80.
Memory Book
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