“Krishna Meditations” by author HG Urmila Mataji is a contemplative masterpiece that offers a collection of meditations and reflections centered around Lord Krishna. Drawing from the Bhakti tradition, this book guides readers on a transformative journey of introspection and devotion. Each meditation provides profound insights into Krishna’s divine qualities and teachings, fostering a deeper connection with the divine and facilitating spiritual growth and inner peace.
shikha verma –
“Krishna Meditations” provide a calm haven for the soul while taking one on a transcendent journey into the depths of spirituality. This book offers a route to inner serenity and self-realization by masterfully encapsulating the core of Krishna’s knowledge and love. Through its deep meditations and ageless lessons, it serves as a manual for achieving enlightenment and comfort in the middle of life’s turmoil. A wonderful ally for anyone pursuing spirituality.”
Jagdeesh Mourya –
“Krishna Meditation” is full of practical insights and includes real life examples. If you wish to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and clarity, just go for it. Also, at times it does get repetitive, yet all in all, it is a good read. The quality of the book is also good.